Saturday, May 28, 2016

SDC 244 scribble challenge

Hello everyone! 

I have 3 quick post today to share the 3 pieces I made for the Stampotique challenges this month! 

(this month I actually created a piece for each week.. It's a miracle right?! The 1st one is posted on flickr since I was in a hurry then)    

Ok so this 1st challenge - SDC 244 was scribbles

For this I created a birthday card.. I love how cute it came out!! 

See other post for the challenge HERE or join too!


  1. Wow! This is awesome! I love how you captured the mood with the polaroid frame!

    Thank you for playing along with us at Stampotique Designers Challenges.

  2. What a funny character! I think he's happy. Love all the color for a party feel.

  3. Totally awesome! PERFECT in every way ♥♥

    Thank you for joining the Stampotique Designers Challenge. Gez

  4. Great little chap, love the little squiggles around the photo edges. x

  5. Oh this is brilliant, love it :)
    Thanks for joining in with us at Stampotique :)

  6. I love this Tera, it makes me smile! Thank you so much for sharing with us at Stampotique, and have a fun weekend. Sue xx


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