Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Halloween pocket letter

Hello crafty friends!

It's time for a little inspiration for week 2 of the Stampotique Originals designers challenge "use washi tape"

Join the challenge HERE or on Facebook 

I am a washi tape addict so this was right up my alley.... but, I will admit I tend to hoard more than I could possibly use. I wanted to create something special for Halloween and use a variety of tapes, so what better than a pocket letter?

I love creating pocket letters because they  can be several mini scenes in one big art piece!

(you know I love all forms of mail art)

This piece is going to be stuffed with goodies and sent off to a friend.
(Goodies not pictured so the surprise isn't completely ruined)

(Don't you just love this little mad hatter?!)

I just love this sequin shaker part of the card... and the glitter washi tape I used to seal it.


  1. What creepy cheerfulness someone will find in the mail! Love all the little scenes. I’ve tried doing a “seek ‘n find” for all your washi tapes. I think some blend in too well for me to notice immediately. I have a roll of the skeletons too! Love them. Such fun! **google still not working properly**

  2. I love all of these atc's! thanks for sharing!


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