Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Full of snark and sass...

Hello my crazy crafty friends...

Today is a bit of a different post for me.  This is going to be cram-packed with pictures... you may want to grab a drink and sit down for a this.

So all of these cards and envelopes stemmed for my post I post on Facebook about one sarcastic card in envelope I had made. I basically posted a random open question as who would not get offended if I sent them something really crazy and off the wall.

(This is the pictures posted on the original Facebook post... the other 2 got homes before I decided to take good pictures)

 I did not expect to get nearly as many responses as I did oh, I ended up getting over 35 people saying that they wanted something crazy and sarcastic from me. Hence the psycho project where I decided I would try to make a piece for everyone. 

My Postman is probably going to kill me as I'm going to fill up the mailbox with these... hopefully the envelopes will still give him a good laugh or smile.

Okay so let's get on with it I'm going to make the pictures really large so that you will be able to see the words on the quote stickers. Most of these are from the Tim Holtz snarky stickers.

If you want information on any of the rubber stamps or products I used just leave me a comment and I will happily respond.
 Now for photo overload...

Ok, if you've made it this far, I hope you've had a good laugh at a few of these!! These are some of the most fun I had had in a while. I love trying to match up the characters with the perfect quotes and sayings. I may continue this series ...

Now I have to get all of these addressed and sent to their homes. I'm going to just randomly write on each envelope and card. I will probably this just shuffle them up and go down the list of names and addresses I have and start labeling them. A few have already gone out to homes before this post but the rest are part of the official project.

Have a great day!!


  1. I saw these this morning just before going to work. I was getting close to being late because I had to see and read them all! Laughing is a great way to start the work day. Off I went with a smile on my face. These are fabulous fun!!! So many fabulous snarks. Can’t wait to get my mail!

    1. Sorry for almost making you late!!!! Thank you for talking the time to read them all... Haha. I'm glad they got your day started off with a smile ♡♡ I'm hoping to start working down the list and getting them in the mail asap...

  2. Those are awesome. Thanks for the laughs this morning.

  3. Those are so stinkin' cute. You just brighten my day.

    1. Thank you ♡♡♡ :) it makes me happy to hear that!!

  4. These are fun! I love snarky! Thanks for making me smile! Keep them coming!

  5. OMG, I love these. Wish I had seen them sooner, I would have loved to received one.

    1. Thank you! The original post was on my private Facebook page oh, so these are going to friends and family. However I am considering doing a giveaway on my blog at some point. Might want to check back

  6. Oh it's a pity to have to suffer on the corner....while laughing all the while! Brilliant collection of sassiness, Tera! You were firing on all cylinders!

  7. Plus, I have to add you have the best collection of stamps that were just waiting to be snarked at!

    1. Thank you!!! I am a rubber stamp addict these are just the tip of the iceberg! Lots that are ready for sarcasm! A friend also told me I need to start an inspirational Series, so that may come too..

  8. Thank you for posting, as I get out of the sweet kids creations I’m loving the sarcastic stuff better. These are amazing, I laughed my way down the pictures.

    1. Thank you so much! I am glad they gave you a good laugh!

  9. You totally need to be selling these !

    1. Thanks, maybe someday. I did sell a couple of these to a friend. Considering reopening my Etsy someday but we will see.

  10. Thank you so much for sharing your creations! They are truly fabulous!

  11. These are fantastic! Love them!

  12. Wonderful! I love funny, snarky cards. Thanks for sharing. :)

  13. These are all wonderful Tera!! I've always loved your envelopes and now with snarky cards?! It brings it over the top!! Thanks for sharing! I laughed at all of them!!

    1. Awww ♡♡ thank you!! So happy they made you laugh!

  14. This posting is so great.. it made my morning. Love the snarkiness and they are hilarious!

    1. Aww thank you!! So happy they could brighten your morning

  15. Long may your sarcasm (and card production) continue!

  16. I have got to know where you have found these sentiments!!! They are awesome! Oh...and that snail stamp! I NEED him! 🤣

    1. They are the Tim Holtz snarky stickers, a Stampotique quote stamp, and the craptastic day was hand stamped with individual letters :) the snail is by katzelkraft

  17. Wow, these are awesome. And your envelopes are amazing. Sometimes snarky is good!Thanks for the inspiration.

    1. Thank you :) the Envelope is always my favorite part

  18. These are wonderful! Are the envelopes and cards all stamped and colored? So fun!!

    1. Thank you!!! Yes, these are all hand stamped and colored ♡ I used distress ink and stencils for most of the envelope backgrounds, (Mostly markers and colored pencils for the characters)

  19. Tera, these are amazing! You've done such a great job and have started my day off chuckling with a huge smile on my face. These would sell so well! I'm all for sarcasm 🤣 xxx

    1. Thank you!!!! I'm so happy they made you smile!! :)

  20. I just popped over from facebook.These are so great! I'm going to be late if I dont hurry. All those sayings!! Where can I find those? You did a fabulous job. And your envelopes, I would have to display both! Thank you for the post.

    1. Thank you!! Hope you weren't late! The majority of these are the Tim Holtz snarky stickers. :) I also used some Stampotique quote stamps

  21. Just had to leave some love! These are totally brilliant - all of them!!!! <3

    1. Awww, thank you so much!!! That means a lot to me ♡


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