Friday, April 17, 2020

Bigfoot Sighting...

Hello Crafty friends

Bigfoot, also known as the "Ohio grass man" in my neck of the woods (along with many other names), has always been a creature of lore, but you will see him for sure on the card below. 

Clearly someone has been gathering evidence?!

Stamps Used: 

Start by stamping out bigfoot and distress

Same for your "evidence label"

Next you can see a scarp from my junk box I pulled out, it has vintage photo distress spray ink on it and texture paste.

I combined all these peces plus a tag with some rub-on's (Tim Holtz "remnant rubs") to create the card below. Super Easy! Embellish with more remnant rubs, faux stitching pen marks, staples and metal clips. 

I hope you all enjoy this!
This is actually a gag card for my father-in law. 

What do you Believe? 


  1. I can never decide which I like best, color or grunge -- you do either sooo well!!! Cool Evidence stamps used.

  2. I love this distressed collage. Not Big Foot so much, but absolutely everything else you did. I can see it with one of Tim Holtz’s guy characters though. So many sightings and documentations of Big Foot throughout the years. Harry (with the Hendersons) was pretty cute. Him I like. So your many details of documentation are really fun. Very clever indeed.

  3. This is great, Tera! Loving all those delish, grungy layers.

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